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Introduction | I-Ching Oracles | Yan Shou Gong | How To Order

If you find conventional martial arts movements too rigid and hard to learn, you may want to consider trying Yan Shou Gong instead. Essentially a combination of movements from various schools of Chinese martial arts, Yan Shou Gong is the brainchild of two renowned Malaysian Chinese martial art masters – the late Grandmaster Datuk Chee Kim Thong and Grandmaster Yap Cheng Hai.

The idea of creating a more flexible and simplified form of martial art that benefits the health of its practitioner came about when Grandmaster Yap noticed that many people were keen on learning martial art but had neither the time nor perseverance for the discipline involved.

He then proposed to his own master, Grandmaster Datuk Chee, to formulate a new set of martial art that was a fusion of carefully selected movements from a number of schools, including Wu Ji Quan and Lohan Ruyi Quan. The result: 36 sets of independent movements for both beginners and advanced learners.

Now, if you are unable to attend classes conducted by Grandmaster Yap and other affiliated instructors, you can consult a series of books on Yan Shou Gong authored by Grandmaster Yap himself. The books feature Grandmaster Yap in various states of movements with clear instructions.

Energise your body with Yan Shou Gong. Pick up the Yan Shou Gong books to give yourself a start in practising the movements.

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